30 x 30- Don't Sign it...Just Yet
Posted on Mar 03, 2021
By Okuma® Staff

An article by Bill Shedd- AFTCO USA
30x30 appears to be coming to U.S. waters (30% of our waters protected by 2030). That 30% includes a growing push to add blanketed “no fishing” zones. A stated goal of those who support 30x30 is that "we must set a national goal of protecting and restoring 30 percent of our lands and ocean by 2030 to stem the collapse of our natural world." While we applaud conservation efforts and understand the need for biodiversity, we must also insist that U.S. anglers are included in this dialogue. With 46 million anglers in the U.S., we contribute over $48 billion into the economy and employ over 800,000 Americans. Our community has been working to protect our fisheries from the time we first picked up a rod and reel. It is imperative that the sport fishing community, as an influential member of the ocean community, is included in these conversations.
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