Tune-Up Tuesday- Servicing your Makaira Lever Drag Reels

Posted on Mar 23, 2021

By Okuma® Staff

Tune-Up Tuesday- Servicing your Makaira Lever Drag Reels

Servicing Your Makaira Reels

As spring approaches, thoughts of big fish fill everyone's head.  Especially along the various coastlines.  In this episode of Tune-Up Tuesday, we will walk you through the steps of getting your Makaira Lever Drag reels all dialed in and ready for big fish season.

Okuma's Tune-Up Tuesday

Lubricating your Makaira Reels

There is nothing like the feeling of a big fish peeling off line from your reel.  A smooth drag, with and watching that fish run is a rush for sure.  Whether its freshwater or saltwater, the feeling is the same. 

In this video, we walk you through the steps in lubricating your Makaira Lever Drag Reels.  Big fish season is right around the corner, you might as well get ready.

And now that you are all dialed in and ready, its time to get out on the water!  Well, really close to time to get on the water anyway.

Good luck!

Dave Brown- Okuma Fishing Tackle


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