Tune-Up Tuesday: Different Types of Hooks - What is What?

Posted on Oct 13, 2020

By Okuma® Staff

Tune-Up Tuesday:  Different Types of Hooks - What is What?

Tune-Up Tuesday

In this weeks Tune-Up Tuesday we will discuss the different types of hooks that are available, and what each might be used for. 

Tune-Up Tuesday

Type of Hooks

What kind of hook do I need to catch...(fill in the blank)?  It is a question we get quite often.  Of course, to catch fish, all you really need is some line, a hook and some bait.  But when you walk into a store, there are many, many types of hooks on the wall and it can get quite confusing.  

With things like Jig Heads, J-Hooks, Circle-Hooks, Worm Hooks, etc., etc., where the heck do you start?

In this video, we give you a little walk through of several different hook styles and what they are used for.

We hope the Tune-Up Tuesday series help you out and gets you pointed in the right direction.

Good luck out on the water!

Dave Brown- Okuma Fishing Tackle

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